Sunday, January 26, 2020
Study Of Feminism In Middlemarch English Literature Essay
Study Of Feminism In Middlemarch English Literature Essay George Eliot was a significant female writer in the 19th century; her life was close related to her works; her life experience attributed themes to her lterary works, and the relation between her works and her life experience had been studied by many researchers for a long time. George Eliots masterpiece Middlemarch, since its publication, earned many readers and critics in English society. Dorothea, in Middlemarch, was a feminist; this heroine had been studied through the views: the combination of George Eliots idealism and Vitorian realism, George Eliots view of marriage, feminist linguistic-psychoanalysis. The success or failure of Dorotheas feminism is paid close attention all the time. In this paper, the writer uses case study analysis to study Dorothea in a multidimentional view, and makes a further development of her feminist revolution. This paper will analyze the background of Victorian period, Dorotheas character, view of marriage, then based on the analysis, the author puts forward that George Eliot had a new recognition about feminism. Dorothea, the heroine in Middlemarch, to some extent, penetrated George Eliots thought, and also got new meaning of female in marriage, in life and even in society. Key words feminism; Victorian Period; George Eliot; realism; idealism; character 1. Introduction George Eliot, penname of Mary Ann Evans, was one of the greatest writers in the 19th century. She was regarded as the one of those who wrote the best novels for adults. In her writing career, controversy and outrage accompanied her. George Eliots critical reputation came from the very start when she began to issue works by using the pseudonym of George Eliot to cover her identity of the unmarried wife of George Henry Lewes. When she worked in Westerminster Review, she knew George Henry Lewes, who she thought understood her and could lead her to a wise life, then in 1854, she began to live with George Henry Lewes, an extrodinary man of letters who wrote philosophy, science, fiction, and drama. Their marriage was not accepted in English society and considered to be immoral. Under the encouragement of George Henry Lewes, in 1857, Mary Ann Evans wrote her first fiction The Sad Fortunes of Reverend Amos Barton and published in Blackwoods Magazine. It could be said without exaggeration tha t, it was George Henry Lewes who created an eximious female fictional writer George Eliot of the 19th century. In her 60s, George Eliot married John Walter Cross for a legal marriage. Because of her immoral relationship with George Henry Lewes, she faced virtual ostracism. Though many critics followed her, her intellect was never hidden; her later works earned her recognition as well as the love of the reading public. She was recognized as the greatest writer in Victorian age(the authors translation,à ©Ã ¡Ã ¹Ã ¦ÃÅ"Ã
¸Ã ¨Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¬, 1987:6). Virginia Woolf commented that, she was a woman of pride and model(the authors translation, Virginia, qtd. in à ¦Ã Ã
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¡Ã ½, 2006:1); her novels stood in the list of a handful of English novels written for adults (the authors translation, Virginia, qtd. in à ¦Ã Ã
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¡Ã ½, 2006:1). The whole life of George Eliot was rebellious, and was regarded as unsensible. She struggled between realism and idealism; she wanted to make full use of herself though she was a female, however gender was discriminated before the 20th century. As a feminist and idealist, George Eliot had a profound significance in feminism among the Victorian novelists. Her works were combined with her real life experience. Middlemarch, since its publication, had been recognized as George Eliots finest achievement, written when she was at the height of her power. Middlemarch had been recognized as George Eliots work of her combination of idealism and realism, as well as the portray of her real life. In her life, George Eliot married John Walter Cross for a husbands surname; she finally bowed to conservative society and got the forgiveness of her family. In Middlemarch, George Eliot, created a heroine, Dorothea, for feminine emancipation. Not to mention the success or the failure of Dorothea s emancipation revolution, she was the product of George Eliot under the general effect of her real life experience, her idealism and realism to the English society in the 19th century. In Middlemarch, George Eliot aimed to creat a great young lady, who had profound knowledge and a virtuous heart for human beings. For a long time, she lived in her idealistic society that a knowledgeable young lady could help to make a better life for society. While at the end of the fiction, George Eliot made her heroine back to reality; the heroine was recognized as the soul of George Eliot herself; she was also considered to be the representative of George Eliots feminine revolution. As a model of feminist, Dorothea was not like traditional women, not paying much attention to her dress; she pursued to help the prevailing society, not only living for self-admiration. With the shock of reality and personal idealism, in this novel, she had two marriages in the way of pursuing her high range of spirit and positional satisfaction. In this novel, she had objection on her ideal way. She made great efforts to marry Mr. Casaubon, who was much older than her, which was a sacrifice. Mr. Casa ubon was not that kind of great soul as she thought to be. Finally, Dorothea had a usual end. After the death of Mr. Casaubon, her heart beated strongly for finding a man and married him, who really understood her views and took women as independent and equal individual; they were equal in marital relations, and took part in social activity; both of them found their value in marriage. George Eliots masterpiece Middlemarchà ¼Ã
âA. C. Dicey described it as a book which may be said, almost without exaggeration, to have made for many persons the chief happiness and interest of the last year (George Eliot, 1992:3). This book brought her many critics and approve; in Middlemarch, George Eliots heroine for femimine emancipation was an incarnation of George Eliot; she struggled for feminine emancipation under her idealism and the realism in society background. This paper is to study the life experience of George Eliot, her idealism and realism in the English sociey, in order to figure out how these factors affected her feminism in the real English society, as well as how they attributed to her heroine in Middlemarch. Thus the paper aims to make a further study of Dorotheas feminism in Middlemarch, focusing on George Eliots life experience, her idealism, and realism of Victorian period. Under the study of such factors, the writer can draw a conclusion that the feminine emancipation of Dorothea could not be a failure, but it was her new attitude toward life as well as marriage- wives were and should be the great man beside her successful husband. 2. Literature Review By the time George Eliot died on December 22, 1880, she was recognized as the greatest of comtemporary English novelists. Her whole writing life left many literary works and comments to later generations to study and research. George Eliot was a writer of appreciation and depreciation. George Eliots works reflected the politics, philosophy, science, religion, and genders. Her literary works had been studied by scholars from home and abroad since 19th century. In 1884, George Willis Cooke in George Eliot: A Critical Study of Her Life, Writing and Philosophy mentioned that George Eliot was a product of her time; some knowledge of her early home and the influences admist which her mind was formed, helped largely to an appreciation of her books and the views of life which she presented in them (George Willis Cooke, 1884). George Eliot was a realistic writer, in her works, she reflected the 19th science attainments, philosophy, and genders. In Middlemarch, George Eliot created an agloat young doctor named Lydgate, a feminist named Dorothea, an old pedant named Casaubon, and a romantic named painter Will Ladislaw. Through these roles in her works, George Eliot showed her brilliance. George Levine once commented that George Eliot had been discovered that since the Second World War it was her brilliance and intellectual depth of her fiction gave her appreciative reputation. George Levine also mentioned that George Eliot was a realist; she was sel f-reflexive in that her life experience attributed a lot of themes to her works. Besides that, as a feminist, George Eliot also showed herself struggling against men-dominated society. Kate Flint in George Eliot commneted that in George Eliots writing, alertness and acute consciousness of the injustice to which they gave rise, necessarily chafed against the doctrine of submitting to a sense of broader social duty(George Levine, 2001). George Eliots feminism was not noly seen in her life but also in her works, making clear in fields of education and marriages. In her masterpiece Middlemarch, one third of the pages penetrated her feminism. The heroine, Dorothea, thirsted for knowledge, thus had two marriges in her life. However, in the 19th century, women was decoration of men; the ideal women were the decoration in her house. Womens great importance lied in reproductiveness. Biomedical discourse defined females in terms of her reproductive function as the following description: a biological entity, a sexed body: Womans nature and her social role were said to be controlled by her womb and her ovaries, and were the inevitable and indivisible consequences of her reproductive and the female organization another (Joanne Shattock, 2001:79) At abroad, there have studies about feminism, George Eliots introdction, critical study of George Eliot, and the relation of George Eliot and the Empire. At home, many scholars have studied George Eliot from her views of marriage, feminism, philosophy, ethic, and the harmonizing and synthesizing of realism and idealism. In 2006, Wang Pei issued a thesis to discuss George Eliots view of marriage in Journal of Chongqing University of Science and Technology. She mentioned that though George Eliot had a rebellious love and marriage, she was still that kind of conservative women in 19th century. She longed for love as well as legal marriage; she also held that women could get desired happiness only when they felt satisfied with the mediocre marriage life. Her view of marriage was reflected in Dorothea, who dreamed to be a great female and contributed to society, finally back to a common housewife. Then on George Eliots feminism, in 2004, Vice Professor Dong Shumin studied in Zhejiang Social Science that George Eliot expressed her feminism in Middlemarch that females and males were unequal to the public all the time, if women wanted to show themselves, they must realize the limitation of women from the society. Women could have their distictive importance, which was to affect males, making males become some kind of man. Just as George Eliots heroine, Dorothea, she married Will Ladislaw and made him be s successful man; Dorothea herself became a common wife for love and desired happiness as well as femine fullfilment in family. Though George Eliot was a feminist, even she had idealistic and fair society for females to make full use of themselves, she had to bow to reality. In George Eliot: Harmonizing and Synthesizing Idealism and Realism, Doctor Zhang Jinfeng pointed out that George Eliot was an inborn idealist, combining her realistic aesthetics with her idealistic life and society for females, even for human beings. Even so, she could not avoid reality and finally converted to reality. In Middlemarch, she would like to creat ideal polictics, education and marriages, in which female was free. Dorothea was a role under her idealism. Dorotheas first marriage, with Casaubon, was all her idealism, she could not chage the men-dominated thought of Causobon. Finally, she would like to have a husband who really cared females, then married Will Ladislaw, and became a wife and mother. The end of Middlemarch was the surrender of idealism to realism. Based on the above analiysis, there is the information that George Eliot was a idealist as well as a realist; her works set on the real society but also embraced the profound effect of her idealism. While, social limitation made George Eliot hard to build an ideal world. All her thoughts affected in her works. Thus here is the gap that George Eliots life experience, her feminist, her idealism and realism contributed to her works, especially her heroine Dorothea in Middlemarch. In this paper the writer aims at the above mentioned factors and make a further study of Dorotheas feminism, through analyzing the difference between George Eliots ideal feminism and the feminism in Victorian period, Dorotheas character, as well as her two marriages, to illustrate that Dorothea got a new cognition of womens status and feminine emancipation in marriage, even in society. 3. Feminism in Victorian Period and George Eliots Feminism As a female writer in the 19th century in the English society, George Eliot lived in a men-dominated society; she was not satisfied with the rising condition. As a feminist against the serious society for females, George Eliot struggled between ideality and reality. 3.1 Real Feminism in Victorian Period In the 19th century, females status was discriminated and inferior to males. The English socity was a men-dominated society; men were superior to women, no matter in politics, economy, society, family and marriage. Though Queen of Victoria was at reign, womens status was not equal to mens. Women were limited to work in politics, science, education, social activities, and literary and so on. A wifehood or womanhood should be the best profession of a female. An ideal lady should be what Virginia Woolf called-the Angel of the House(Virginia Woolf, qtd. in à ¨Ã¢â¬Ëà £Ã ¦Ã ·Ã¢â¬Ëà ©Ã¢â¬Å"à , 2004:1) At that time, people took for granted that a woman should not be educated for self-development, but for self-renunciation. They were sent to study in girls schools, to learn how to be an ideal wife. They learned music and entertainment; they were trained to be peaceable, obedient to males, and not having personal thoughts. To the public, a lady with few opinions about their husband, society and politics was virtuous. In such a society, women were born to suffer and to be in a disadvantageous status in family, education, occupation and marriage, first as a daughter and then a wife. In family, daughters were dependent on her father or brother. After marriage, they were dependent on their husband. If left without any heritance and remaining single, daughters would lead a miserable life. In marriage, girls could not have their own choice. They were the property of their father to use for land and estate; always, they were used by men to consolidate social status. In the 16th century, when Elizabeth was at reign, a father chose a husband for his daughter, if the daughter did not agree to get married, she would be locked in a room and heavily punished. In the 19th century, women could choose their own beloved, but the beloved should be accepted by their family, most importantly by their father, if it turned out to be not, their family might disengage their relationship or would not give help when they were in trouble. Because of the limitation in occupation, education, family and marriage, women were not encouraged, even allowed to work outside the house, thus womens self satisfation was based on the success of being a wife. They seeked for inspiration to be an ideal wife, mother, and do well in housework. The following words can best describe womens feelings of being inferior: As long as I can remember, I have been discouraged, when I have endeavoured to cast the sum of my intellectual value, by finding that I did not possess, in the degree of some other men, an intuitive perception of intellectual beauty(Godwin, qtd. in Joanne Shattock, 2001:14). The 19th century could be said to be a turn of feminine status; thanks to Industrial Revolution, women could go out of homes to work in factories, but their salary was much less than mens. Moreover, their jobs were insignificant, for instance, a tutor, a nurse and so on; after Industrial Revolution, they had one more choice-a worker. In Victorian Era, literature in English was at the height of devolopment. Many female writers emerged, for example, sister Bronte, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, May Sinclair, George Eliot, and so on. However in the 19th English society, female writers were not given high recognition of their writing talent; they chose to publish their works by using pseudonym. A woman and her book are identical-or so Edgar Allen Poe reflected when reading an early collection of poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning (Joanne Shattodk, 2001:8). Female consciousness had been awaken, and most of their works were about seeking for feminine status in society; females w ere more independent in their opinions, thus they began to write in order to uncover their sufferings and defend for their occupations. 3.2 George Eliots Ideal Feminism Victorian Age was the trend of realistic literary. As a successful realistic novel writer, Gorge Eliot was born in a family of land agent, and spent her childhood in the rural environment within the country of Warwickshire in the mid lands. Her childhood and her living environment provided her with plenty of material for her earlier works. Due to the reality, George Eliots later works had a big change. In George Eliots later novels, characters and situations seem more and more to be projections of ideals in her mind (Zhang Jinfeng, 2005:61). George Eliot created her art out of a cluster of rebellions, particularly against reigning social, moral, and aesthetic conventions (George Levine,2001:2). George Eliots living exprience made her an idealist; she wanted to change her social status, even all feminine social status, therefore limited to the reality, she wrote down what she had in mind. A woman and her book are identical (Joanne Shattodk, 2001:8). Her unique personality, education, and moral belief made her an idealist. To begin with, she was a religious freethinker. She was sent to boarding schools together with her elder sister. In one boarding school, George Eliot met a female teacher, Maria Levis, who was a piously Evangelical. With the instruction, George Eliot became a piously Evangelical too. But her friendship with religious freethinkers in Coventry in the early 1840s reinforced her own growing doubts and led to a break with orthodox religion (George Eliot, 1992:1). From the very beginning of 1842, she claimed that she would not go to church, not to pray, not believe in God any more. Besides, George Eliot strongly held that it should be of the very importance for females to receive systematic education as well as have their own occupation. She herself went to boarding schools from 5 years old to 17 years old. She learned language, science, and piano. She was a lady who never gave up pursuing her value. The following cited event could voice her support for feminine education: She sympathized with the movement for womens education and donated 50 pounds towards the establishment of Girton, a Cambridge college for women. Her support for womens educational reforms led her to attend a series of letures at Bedford College for Ladies during these years and moved her to contribute to Emily Davess campaingn for the establishment of Girton College and to other feminist efforts to open the professions to women in the 1850s and1860s. (ibid, qtd. in à ¦Ã¢â¬ ºÃ ¹Ã ¤Ã ¸Ã ½Ã ¥Ã ¨Ã
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â2007:19) Not only approving of women education, George Eliot also earned a living herself. When she was 29 years old, George Eliots father died; in Victotian English society, an unmarried, intellectual lady without any inheritance from father, would lead to a miserable life. But George Eliot decided to stay in London and earned the living herself. Later, she began to be an editor for Westminster Review. In marriage, George Eliot broke the traditional convention of marriage. She fell deeply in love with a married, acknowledgeable man, named George Henry Lewes; at that time, George Eliot had been a publicly well-known female; though she was ostracized by English society , her works was criticized, and her family was angry with that, she was determined to live with George Henry Lewes as an unmarried wife. In George Eliots mind, women could have their own choice of marriage, even though the whole world would not accept her, she still sticked to her love. Her view about marriage was somehow penetrated in Dorothea in Middlemarch. Dorothea, when 18 years old, was determined to marry a pedant who was almost twenty years older than her, which was not understood by citizens of Middlemarch. Ralph Waldo Emerson commented that George Eliot was a young lady with a not quiet and serious soul (Emerson, qtd. in à ¦Ã Ã
âà ©Ã
¡Ã ½, 2006:7). George Eliot was inborn ideal; life made an idealistic George Eliot. The following cited paragraph demonstrated George Eliots whole life and her idealism well: As an overly intense and bookish child in a pratical household, as a fervid evangelical adolescent Christian doctrine, as an independent woman editor and journalist in a social bohemians, and finally as the unmarried domestic partner of George Henry Lewes, George Eliot was always strecthing the norms of acceptable female behavior, and bringing social rejection upon herself. (George Levine, 2001:21) 4. The Character of Dorothea Dorothea, under the background of Victorian English, was a female representative to struggle for female emancipation. Her beauty was not like the traditonal females, and she thirsted for profound knowldege as well as made full use of herself. All these made her a unique female in Middlemarch. 4.1 Rebellious Charm of Dorothea In the 19th century, the girls of middle class attached importance to their appearance and dress.; lace, flouce, and bowknot were prevailing. The rich young ladies wore fashionable dress and jewelries. They were sent to learn music and painting, which could improve their charm. A conventional charming lady, as to the men and even to the public, should lays herself out of a little more to please us. There should be a filigree about a woman-something of the coquette. A man likes challenge. The more of a dead set she makes at you the better (George Eliot, 1992:79). Focusing on simple dress was a means of good cultivation. Dorothea held the belief that a remarkably clever woman should not pay much attention to appearance, even so, she still had her charming beauty. Her hand and wrist were so finely formed that she could wear sleeves not less bare of style than those in which the Blessed Virgin appeared to Italian painters; and her profile as well as her stature and bearing seemed to gain provincial fashion gave her plain garments (Gorge Eliot, 1992:1). She didnt like jewelries either, when Celia (Dorotheas sister) reminded her of looking at mamas jewels and divided them, she was busy drawing her building, obviously forgetting them. After opening the box, she liked none of them, except gems and a bracelet to match it. Dorothea liked the gems because of her inspiration of the Revelation of St. John, It is strange how deeply colours seem to penetrate one, like scent. I suppose that is the reason why gems are used as spiritual emblems in the Revelat ion of St. John. (George Eliot, 1992:9). Though she took them, she thought wearing them was some kind of sinking. Dorothea not only didnt pay attention to her dress, but also appreciated that kind of plain appearance, which was contrary to the beauty criteon of the public. In chapter nine in Middlemarch, when Casaubon showed around his house to the Brooks, when seeing portraits, Celia said that the aunt wearing necklaces was more beautiful than Cassaubons mother; however, Dorothea pursued that kind of immortal figure, as when she entered the room, she could image that Casaubons mother- the ghost of a tight-laced lady revisiting the scence of her embroidery (George Eliot, 1992:66). To the public, females were born to please males; ladies should dress beautfully, had sweet voice and could paint, and that kind of ladies were charming. On contrary, Dorothea regarded them as silly gentlewomen. She insisted on her sense of beauty; at the party before her marriage, she came into the drawing room in her silver-grey dress-the simple lines of her dark-brown hair parted over her brow and coiled massively behind (George Eliot,1992:78). On such a significant occasion, she did still not rig out her figure gorgeous, simple as Santa Barbara as who she was pursuing. In Middlemarch, Rosamond Vincy was recognized as a representative of charm and she was a famous beauty in province , she has excellent taste in costume, with that nymph-like figure and pure blondness which gives the largest range to choice in the flow and colour of drapery(George Eliot, 1992:86). A fair lady should have charming image as well as could play an instrument, sing songs and draw; when facing people, she should keep amiable smiles. Dorothea didnt like playing any instruments, her behavior was like a saintess, which to others was quite unusual and rebellious. Even so, she was a recognized distinctively beautiful lady; her plain garments added more dignity to her statue and bearing. In contrast to her sister Celia, people might say that Dorothea was remarkbly clever, but Celia was more sensible. 4.2 Dorotheas Thirst for Knowledge Dorothea and her sister Celia were orphans; their parents died when they were very young. The sisters were sent to boarding schools, an English family and a Swiss family to receive education in order to get them ready in the market of marriage. But Dorothea didnt like ladies duities; she liked studying religion, science, and those knowledge which could do good to society. She admired those who was knowledgable and could devote himself to society. The living environment and social status attributed to Dorotheas mode of thinking during her life. She seeked for eternal theory; compared with her sister, she had less common-sense in that her mind is theoretical, and yearned by its nature after some lofty conception of the world (George Eliot, 1992:4) and since I can do no good because a woman, reach constantly at something that is near it (Gorge Eliot, 1992:3). To Dorothea, contribution to human was the most significant thing in life; she believed that a spiritual life involved eternal consequences. she was keen on religion; she was a fans of knowledge, for pursuing the so-called knowledge and spiritual life in her mind, she wore plain garments and gave up her hobby of horseriding which she thought to be most attractive, and was not in accordance with the other young ladies. Dorothea knew many passages of Pascals Pensees and of Jeremy Taylor by heart; and to her the destinies of mankind, seen by the light of a spiritual life involving eternal consequences, with a keen interest in guimp and artificial protrusions of drapery. Her mind is theoretic, and yearned by frankly include the parish of Tipton and her own rule of conduct thereà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ (Gorge Eliot, 1871:4) The Victorian society was unequal for the education of girls and boys. Dorothea was thirst for knowledge, which was against the men-dominated society, and was prejudiced and unconventional to the neighbourhood. Evev so, she still grasped the precious chance to learn more knowledge-to marry a pedant, Mr. Casaubon. She admired Casaubons abundant knowledge to such an extent as to think Casaubon is a distinctive man; she said to Celia he is one of the most distinguished-looking men I ever saw. He is remarkably like the portrait of Locke. He has the same deep eye-sockets (George Eliot,1871:15). Dorothea didnt want to be an idle lady of Victorian age; she longed for a guide who would light her spiritual and intellectual life. Casaubons emergence provided her the hope, and she thought that she could have spiritual communion with him, moreover Casaubon was a man who could illuminate her principle with his widest knowledge. Thus she married Casaubon for pursuing knowldege. 5. Two Ideal Marriages of Dorothea As a young lady pursuing equal social status as men, Dorothea was not only different in character from the conventional women, she also had a distinct view about marriages. On the way of idealistic female emancipation, she had two marriages, first she married an old pedant for knowledge, and then a young man for true love. 5.1 Marriage for Knowledge George Eliot was an idealist; she lived in her own world without regard to the real outer world. She struggled for female occupation and marriage, which was treacherous to convention and also became the soul of her masterpiece Middlemarch. In Middlemarch, George Eliot put her idealism inon the creation of the heroine Dorothea. Dorothea was not only a knowledge fan but also a social contributor fan. She dreamed to be a saint to rescue the world. Her garments and behavior were distinct with the conventional young ladies. In the 19th century, females were not free to devote themselves to occupation, what they could do was to find their value in marriage no matter how remarkable the lady was. Dorothea was enthusiastic about making the society better through her knowledge and effort, but reality made her will meet much setback; she could not do anything. Dorothea, in the eyes of males, even her uncle, was childish and innocent. At the dinner party in Tipton, when Dorothea expressed her idea about land, Mr. Brook said that, young ladies dont understand political economy (George Eliot, 1992:12). Furthermore, when Dorothea delivered her wish to help her uncle sort his papers, Mr. Brook said that, No, no. I cannot let young ladies meddle my documents. Young ladies are two fighty (George Eliot, 1871:15). Dorothea wanted to do things to make herself useful, but even in her uncles house, she met a lot of obstacles. She hoped someone could come to her life and led her to a spiritual and worthy life. Casaubons e mergence was the drip in drought. Mr. Casaubons present gave her hope to live for others, to devote to society, and she thought that she was going to have room for the energies which stirred uneasily under the dimness and pressure of her own ignorance and the petty peremptoriness of the world habits (Gorge Eliot, 1992:38). Dorothea was happy that she could find her value in the marriage with Casaubon in that, she could make devote to Casaubons aim-Key to All Mythologies. Receiving Casaubons letter for marriage, Dorothea was too happay to think over whether Casaubon was a suitable husband for her ; she only considerded that she was suitable for Casaubon and she could make herself useful. While in this letter, Casaubon conveyed clearly that his marriage was for changing the solitary life; he needed a wife who could supply aid in graver labours and cast a charm over vacant hours (George Eliot,1992:37). Casaubon needed a wife as a decoration to his life; his wife should be beautiful, young and blooming, as well as easy to control and attentative to his wishes. To Dorothea, her ideal marriage was some kind of life beyond self, to which she could devote herself, and her marriage concept took its color entirely from the enthusiasm to help her husband to finish his significant work, which could also make herself glorious. As to be noble and devoted, she dreamed to be almost perfect as a saint. In the marriage relationship, the husband wanted a tame and obedient wife; the wife wanted a knowledgeble and broad-minded husband. It was obvious that Cassaubon and Dorothea were not as much as they thought they were suitable to be spouse. In such a marriage, even though they were careful, comflict and susp
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Beauty Definition Essay
Beauty is one of the most prevalent themes in the world. But what is beauty exactly? According to the Oxford Dictionary beauty is A combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Based on the definition, one would assume that beauty is only on outward appearance but that statement is false. Beauty is not only appearance but it is also what people cannot see. Beauty is about being beautiful on the inside not just the outside. The media has fooled so many people into thinking the opposite. Beauty is not only outward appearance. People are not beautiful because they have the most expensive clothes or the shiniest hair. Beauty is not having the clearest skin; beauty is not about being thin; beauty is not having the fullest eyelashes; beauty is not about appearance at all. Many people look at allure as something they can obtain from putting a lot of time into their appearance. I remember in high school there was a girl nam ed Jenna; Jenna had all the coolest clothes and always made sure she looked good. I remember envying her for her shinny hair and perfect teeth. Everyone seemed convinced that this girl was beautiful even I. Until one day I was walking past a classroom, I could hear faint voices coming out and I knew that there wasnââ¬â¢t supposed to be anyone in the class. I creeped closer listening to the whispers when I immediately recognized a familiar voice. It was Jennaââ¬â¢s and she was saying horrible things about her ââ¬Å"best friendâ⬠. At that moment I realized that Jenna wasnââ¬â¢t so beautiful after all. All the clothes and makeup could not hide the fact that she had an ugly soul. The soul is what makes people beautiful. Being alluring is far deeper than just being attractive; it is about being a good person. You cannot see beauty but you can see what makes people beautiful. The person who stops when they see a stray animal sitting in the sidewalk is beautiful. The person who gives their last dollar to the homeless man is beautiful. The person who goes out of their way to be friendly to everyone they meet is beautiful. The person who puts the greater good for humanity before the greater good for themselves is beautiful. Audrey Hepburn an actress in the 50ââ¬â¢s was one of the very first actresses to recognize that beauty isnââ¬â¢t always just appearance. She states that ââ¬Å"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorwayà to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.â⬠Todays media has done a terrific job in portraying allure as something that one can obtain from appearance. Media has convinced the world that beauty is only outward appearance. Today you cannot go five minutes without seeing a beauty ad; theyââ¬â¢re everywhere. Turn on the television and youââ¬â¢ll see an ad for shampoo that shows a smiling girl claiming that her hair is now shinier. Drive down the street and youââ¬â¢ll see a billboard for an acne medication that claims it gives you ââ¬Ëbeautifulââ¬â¢ looking skin. These companies are preying on girls insecurities to make money. They claim that if you buy their product, you too can look beautiful. In reality no product can make a person beautiful because beauty is not something that you can see. Many girls look up to stars like Katy Perry, Hayden Panettiere and Emma Stone; all of who are advertising beauty products. When girls watch their favorite stars advertise makeup and other beauty products it gives the girls a false sense of beauty. It teaches our youth that by using a certain product then they can achieve beauty; if they wear a certain makeup then they will be ââ¬Å"beautifulâ⬠like their favorite celebrities. Todayââ¬â¢s media has put enormous pressure on young girls to be thin. Every commercial and billboard and magazine ad portrays a size zero model, always photoshopped. Young people look at these women and think that in order to be beautiful that they too have to be that thin leading to unhealthy decisions and life threatening illnesses. According to the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders, 24 million people in the United States alone suffer form some sort of eating disorder. 24 million people think that their body is not good enough to fit societies definition of beautiful. 24 million people think that the only way to be beautiful is by harming their bodies. This number can be lowered dramatically if media stopped putting the emphasis of beauty on physical appearance. Beauty is not outward appearance but inner appearance. Beauty is having a beautiful soul and being a good person all around. Media has given society a false view on what really is beautiful. The next time you find yourself judging someone based upon their looks think again; beauty is not just what you can see, its what you cannot.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Essentials of Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today
The Essentials of Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics That You Will be Able to Benefit From Starting Today What Everybody Dislikes About Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics and Why The essay will examine the status and its pathology. Hence, you have to first understand the significance of prejudice if you wish to compose excellent essays on prejudice for the essay exams. Social psychology considers a lot of the very same questions as those sociology considers but favors answers that concentrate on the individual actors (for example, the way that they perceive their situations) rather than on answers that are applicable to the group level (for instance, poverty or family cohesion). Sociology differs from the remaining social disciplines since it is related to statistical data to a substantial extent along with on interpretative assessment and written materials. The previous point to share is a standard psychology essay topics list. If you're going to compose a psychology paper, the v ery first thing you have to do is pick a great topic. In case you haven't decided on the topic still, you should select something familiar to you. For this reason, you ought to be careful by not choosing any topic that has been researched too many times before. You should be quite careful in the collection of the topic. To pick a topic from general psychology, you should decide on any topic you want and then begin narrowing it down. The topic ought to be good enough to assist you reach to a specific conclusion. Now that you've examined a choice of personality psychology topics, you will be more inclined to think of a robust and intriguing topic of discussion for your academic project. If you've ever had to compose a paper for one of your psychology classes, then you likely know that choosing psychology paper topics can at times be tricky. Therefore, either you would like to learn more about how to compose an essay, or you desire some essay writing services or even in the event you would like to go through some sample essays, then just refer to WritingBest and all of your requirements will be fulfilled once possible. Additionally, you can observe distinctive topics for your research paper on the site! Finding interesting psychology re search paper topics is a true art, as it's an overwhelming and uninteresting job, which is at the very same time very responsible. There are a lot of psychology research paper topic ideas in the net, but it's difficult to come across worthwhile ones that is likely to make the paper stand-out. Just like any research paper essay, the most essential thing is to construct your topic and paper with the robust evidence. A summary of the essays required for psychology and expert success. Here's What I Know About Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics When you are finished with the majority of your research you should make an outline. If there's a personality psychology study area which you know a good deal of things about, selecting it for discussion is additionally a prudent idea. Nonetheless, the procedure for inventing ideas for psychology paper is time-consuming and demands a good deal of concentration. Because general psychology classes cover such a wide variety of topics, you have a huge assortment of subject ideas to select from. Abnormal Psychology Essay Topics Fundamentals Explained Mostly, when thinking ab out psychology research papers, folks remember the psychological problems, but there's a good deal of different areas where psychology can be helpful. If you're fighting to discover a suitable theme among the large selection of abnormal psychology topics, we can assist you. An intriguing topic in biological psychology is the present state of research for any specific disease and corresponding therapy. There are many different topics that also have a superior reach of research under the abnormal psychology umbrella. Sociology essays manage the study of human social behavior in a society, therefore, it is quite interesting for the students who want to know more about human psyche but boring for people who don't like studying their species. Psychology is one the disciplines that have a great deal of topics to select from and that's the reason why many students gets a challenging time attempting to choose one. Development psychology is centered on the lifespan of human beings, so you've got quite a few topics to select from. Determining whether an individual is dealing with a disorder is difficult. When an individual could no longer control his urge to drink alcohol then it might be an indication which he is experiencing psychological disorder. Cognitive psychology tackles the distinct mental processes happening in an individual's mind. To begin with, someone who is afflicted by psychological disorder is maladaptive. You'll also become peaceful since you've delegated the job of making up a topic and essay t competent professionals. Finding the correct topic is essential to your psychology research writing. When it is argumentative or informative essays, one must develop a topic that may grab the interest of the reader very quickly and this isn't such an easy job. The essay isn't the simplest task to master. Locating a solid topic is just one of the most essential steps when writing any form of paper. In the event you want to understand the practice of essay writing a wonderful sociology paper, have a look at the steps explained below.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Abraham Lincoln And The American War - 1712 Words
Abraham Lincoln opposed the Mexican American War, since he argued it was unnecessary and unconstitutional. He questioned the U.S. presidentââ¬â¢s honesty and even accuses the presidentââ¬â¢s justification to be ââ¬Å"from beginning to end, the sheerest deception.â⬠Furthermore, he criticizes the president for supporting the war with arguments and not facts. He also bashes on the presidentââ¬â¢s mentality on a personal level. Moreover, Abraham Lincoln argues that President Polk is lying about the initial cause of the war in which the casualties took place. 2) What evidence does Lincoln use to support his anti-war argument? First and foremost, Lincoln is skeptical about Mexicans shedding American blood on American soil. He examined the presidentââ¬â¢s warâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Pekka Hamalainen and Benjamin H. Johnson (Boston: Cengage Learning, 2012), 284-291. 1) Thesis (What is the authorââ¬â¢s main argument in the article). Gregg Cantrell informs the reader that Stephen F. Austin is a very complex individual who is taken out of context. Stephen F. Austin is a human being who is misunderstood by many and is seen as a racist, invader of land, and a white supremacist, since he was a proponent of the Manifest Destiny. Furthermore, he believed that his mission was to spread the American ways such as enterprise and intelligence. People mistook his declarations and blew them out of proportion. For this reason, he was also seem as pro-American chauvinism when he made a negative statement about the Catholic Church. However, when a person views Stephen F. Austin whole story, it is very different from the one they acclimated to. Austin, served as a political and cultural mediator between Anglo Texans and Mexicans. Furthermore, he was a person who wanted personal success, but also had a strong sense of public responsibility. 2) Evidence (What evidence does the author use to support the thesis of the article.) Stephen F. Austinââ¬â¢s title was empresario, which means entrepreneur, a person who has been granted to recruit settlers, issued land titles, enforce the laws and take responsibility for new settlers. Austin learned to speak fluent Spanish, conducted business in Spanish, and was personally acquainted with a host of major Mexican leaders.Show MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln And The American War1696 Words à |à 7 PagesAbraham Lincoln Listeni/ÃËeà ªbrÃâ¢hà ¦m ÃËlà ªÃ
â¹kÃâ¢n/ (February 12, 1809 ââ¬â April 15, 1865) was the 16th President of the United States, serving from March 1861 until his assassination in April 1865. Lincoln led the United States through its Civil Warââ¬âits bloodiest war and its greatest moral, constitutional, and political crisis.[1][2] In doing so, he preserved the Union, abolished slavery, strengthened the federal government, and modernized the economy. Born in Hodgenville, Kentucky, Lincoln grew up on theRead MoreAbraham Lincoln And The American Civil War1758 Words à |à 8 Pagesresource ( Abraham Lincoln our 16th president of the Unite States of America was fatally shot on April 14, 1865 in the back of the head in the Presidential box at Fordââ¬â¢s Theater in Washington D.C. but, actually passed away at 7:22 a.m. the next day. Lincoln was taken to a home across the street, where he died, from the bullet wound he inflicted the night before. 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